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I love failing. When I was a lifeguard at this snobby pool, I realized failure is more helpful than not. It was a Saturday morning, and the pool was packed with entitled parents and kids. I was sitting in the lifeguard stand scouting the pool for rule breakers, but then I notice a 1 year old baby casually walking off the ledge into 3 feet of water. They began to sink immediately. Something clicked in my head that this could be my hero moment. A pay raise or ceremony celebrating my courageous act could be in my future, but the mother appears out of nowhere. As she sprinted to the side of the pool to save her child, I blew my whistle and told the mom to stop running. She then jumps in the pool and swoops up her child. The look she gave me after was nothing short of a death stare.
I sat back down in the chair and began to think: I'm a failure. Kids that don't even have driver's licenses get this job and I'm about to go off to college. I felt pathetic, but then I realized, no one saw me mess up (except the mother). No one came up to me and said I was fired or that I was a horrible lifeguard. I learned that failure helps me become the best I can be, as later that summer, I saved an adult from drowning in the deep end.
I always remember this experience when the feedback I get from headlines, activations and even social captions aren't up to par because it reminds me to fail harder and fail often.
I also like listening to myself in autotune.

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